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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Stand united with Anwar, PAS MP tells party

Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will know his fate on February 10 when the Federal Court delivers its verdict on his appeal against sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan. Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad told his party, PAS, to stand behind Anwar. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, February 5, 2015.PAS members and supporters must continue to support opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and not view the case as a personal matter, says a party central committee member.Khalid Samad, who is also Shah Alam MP, said it did not matter whether they agreed with Anwar. More importantly, it was uniting against oppression and tyranny, which was PAS's stance.Anwar is facing the possible end of his political career when the Federal Court on February 10 delivers its verdict on his appeal against a conviction of sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.Khalid today reminded party members and supporters that they need to look at the bigger picture behind the case: that it was politically motivated.“Agree or disagree, like it or not, when the government uses its power to act against an individual, then it is cruel and oppressive.“This is about justice and principle," he said.He added that on February 10, Putrajaya too would be on trial as people would want to see how transparent the judiciary was.On the spat between PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali and his DAP counterpart Lim Guan Eng, Khalid said he was willing to be the middle man for both leaders if they wanted to meet."Both of them are my old friends. I respect both of them. If they need a third party, I am ever willing to play the role... No need for an open debate. They can settle the issue personally." he said.On January 28, Mustafa challenged Lim to a debate on local council elections as he was accused by Lim of being dishonest about the Islamist party’s decision not to back the idea.Meanwhile, it was reported that Penang PKR is mobilising at least 20,000 supporters from the state to rally outside the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya this Tuesday to support Anwar.State PKR communication and new media director Farid Arshad said the verdict was relevant to all Malaysians as it dealt with, among others, the freedom of expression and basic human rights.Ahead of the verdict, PKR is already organising "Jelajah Rakyat Hakim Negara" (The people are the judge) roadshows around the country for Anwar to address supporters at rallies, or ceramah.Anwar is looking at a jail term of five years – the sentence passed by the Court of Appeal which overturned his acquittal by the High Court.Anwar could also lose his Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat if his conviction is upheld. – February 5, 2015.

