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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

PAS Youth plans Charlie Hebdo protest

PAS Youth chief Suhaizan Kaiat wants France to engage with its Muslims in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo killings. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, January 21, 2015.PAS Youth will hold a protest to condemn both the murder of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists as well as the weekly's move to continue publishing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.Its chief, Suhaizan Kaiat, said they wanted the French government to take "follow-up action" to address the outcry among Muslims."We don't agree that the way to solve the problem is by killing, …(but) we do not want Prophet Muhammad to be demeaned to the extent that it will incite more outrage on this issue," Suhaizan said after handing over a memorandum to the French embassy in Kuala Lumpur today.The memorandum calls for the French government to hold more religious dialogues in France to promote better understanding of Islam and Muslim culture.It also wants the France to state its opposition to the actions by Charlie Hebdo to continue drawing caricatures of the Prophet.The memorandum was received today by the embassy's deputy head of mission, Florence Mayol-Dupont and its premier secretary Damien Syed.Suhaizan said PAS Youth would discuss the planned protest with other participating non-governmental organizations so that the message that they did not support the killings was clear."We do not want to be seen as if we accept the violence done by some people in France."Although Charlie Hebdo was not a government-owned newspaper, Suhaizan said French authorities have failed to resolve the unrest."We asked them to make a firm statement to condemn the newspaper but they said they have limitations because of their country's emphasis on freedom," he said.PAS Youth's International bureau head, Dr Raja Ahmad Iskandar said they were disappointed with the French government's argument that the weekly's right to offend is part of human rights.Suhaizan added that embassy representatives had informed them that Charlie Hebdo was a left-wing newspaper with only a circulation of 20,000 per month, compared to other publications that reached 100,000 per week. – January 21, 2015.

